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Blogmas Day #10: Things We’ve Learned from Christmas Movies

I’ve made it to day 10! I am actually super proud that I’ve posted everyday of December. So lately, I’ve been really into reading motivational lessons and discussions so I thought I would make my own about Christmas movies. Have some of your own? I’d love to hear them in the comments.

Lessons We’ve Learned from Christmas Movies

  1. The things that make you different are the things that make you valuable. Who knows? Maybe your shiny red nose will save Christmas one day.
  2. A little bit of love for someone can go a long way. The Grinch’s heart literally grew when he learned that the true meaning of Christmas wasn’t about presents and gifts.
  3. When you give, you get. Don’t be a scrooge. Give love. You’ll get love back one hundred-fold.
  4. Stay true to yourself, and don’t let up on what you believe. Buddy the elf was steadfast in finding his family, and never let himself fizzle into society’s norms. In the end, he found his family, saved Christmas, and got the girl. Not a bad day to be weird.
  5. Go with the unexpected. Now I’m not saying you’ll end up being Santa like Scott Calvin in The Santa Clause, but life hands us opportunities in unanticipated ways. Roll with it. See where it takes you. What do you have to lose?
  6. Keep believing, even when others can’t hear the ringing of the bell like in The Polar Express.
  7. Let the people in your life know that you appreciate them. Bring them coffee to work. Give them an unexpected call to let them know you are thinking about them. Little gestures go a long way. If you don’t, you may experience something from A Year Without a Santa Claus.
  8. Money and things only go so far to make you happy. At the end of the day, true value comes from people and experiences.
  9. Sometimes, the Charlie Brown Christmas trees bring the most joy. Find perfection in the imperfections.
  10. “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.” Spread joy, and love, and happiness. Quit voicing your negative thoughts. Share your attitude of gratitude. If we vocalized more of the good things, the world would be a much better place.

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